GQ has multiple covers for the October issue – a few days ago, I covered Denzel Washington’s cover and profile, and now here is Javier Bardem. Javi is promoting his work in Skyfall, the latest James Bond film, which will be out… let’s see… November 9th!! I can’t wait for it. It looks like a really, really great Bond film. The bar was set pretty low with Quantum of Solace, though. Would you like to see the latest trailer? We’ve seen most of it before, but they recut it for the international trailer, I guess. Here you go:
Javi is SO good at playing creepy. All you really have to do is put an awful wig on him, though. And all of sudden he goes from “hot Spanish dude” to “OMG serial killer”. Anyway, here are some highlights from Javi’s GQ interview. I didn’t know he was an atheist!
Javier Bardem on being in touch with his feminine side: “I was raised not to be afraid to show emotion or imagination…. I have a man and a woman in the same body; I have the male and female values in the same body. ‘Be a man’—what do you mean by that?”
On his performances and characters: “The fact that I like to make characters doesn’t mean that I like to watch my characters being made, my performance. I can’t even watch that f–king nose, that f–king voice, those ridiculous eyes. I can’t handle that. But when I’m doing it, I don’t see my nose or hear my voice; it’s like there’s something stronger, bigger than that. And I need to express it.”
He’s an atheist: “I’ve always said I don’t believe in God, I believe in Al Pacino.”
On how to persevere through tough criticism: “It’s the actor’s insecurity: One day you’re liked and the next it’s ah, nah, not that guy. My mom told me, ‘Just keep doing your job.’ You get something gold, thank you. You suck, thank you. You keep on moving.”
On being appreciative for what he has in life: “I’m happily married. I breathe and stay in peace. I truly thank whoever’s up there for giving me the opportunity to be loved.”
On the Spanish economy: “Many people I love and adore, who belong to my life, are going through a very horrible situation. The government raised taxes on paper and pencils. That’s f–king crazy. The middle and working classes are paying the debt that the financial markets created. A quarter of Spaniards are unemployed. One in ten families are completely out of work: It’s f–king dark, it’s brutal.”
On his political activism: “I’ve always belonged to the street, and I always will. It’s in my DNA. I don’t think about it. I’m really proud of this country: People say what they feel, until they’re heard.”
[From GQ]
The GQ piece also brings up some of Javi’s previous quotes about the Catholic Church, and it’s clear that he’s really not the biggest fan. He seems like a die-hard social liberal – pro-gay, pro-social equality, pro-feminism, etc. He also talks a lot about his childhood and stuff, which I just skimmed over – you can read the full piece here.
I LOVE this photo of him. He looks gorgeous here:
Photos courtesy of GQ/Nathaniel Goldberg.