How to complete Bundesliga Year in Review objective set in FIFA 23

Posted by Aldo Pusey on Monday, June 10, 2024

The Bundesliga Year in Review objective set has arrived on FIFA 23 to celebrate the start of the Bundesliga Team of the Season promo. It features two special cards from the ongoing promo, including Marcus Thuram and Danilho Doekhi. You’ll have to unlock the full set to get your hands on both cards and the additional rewards. However, this is easier said than done since the latest objective set is available in riddles.

In simpler words, the solutions will have to be cracked by the fans of FIFA 23. This is quite crucial since the conditions must be met to complete the Bundesliga Year in Review objective. Let’s look at all the tasks from the Bundesliga Year in Review objective set and the associated riddles.

The Bundesliga Year in Review objective offers two promo cards for FIFA 23 players

The Bundesliga Year in Review objective set has seven objectives for players to complete. Each task is in the form of a riddle, and it’s worth noting that a set of solutions has arrived from popular FIFA 23 content creator NepentheZ.

Sting Like a Bee: This team had a superb start to 2023 with a strong unbeaten streak in the league. Recreate their run to solve this riddle! You will require four players from that club in your starting 11.

Solution: Win 8 games with 4 players from Dortmund(refer to Borussia Dortmund’s record).

Celebration at Mewa: The outstanding display by this player proved instrumental in propelling his team toward a comfortable victory. Hats off to him! Can you solve this riddle?

Solution: Score a hat trick with an Austrian player from Bundesliga.

Bavarian victory: The start of the season came packed with action, a one-sided match with one team bagging half a dozen goals. Recreate their dominance to solve this riddle!

Solution: Score 6 goals in 1 match/Score 6 goals with players from Bayern Munich in your starting XI.

Terrific Tie: Never give up! Even when it looks like it is over, there is always a chance. This team showed their bullish side with this amazing late comeback! Can you solve this riddle?

Solution: Score 3 goals with RB Leipzig players.

Relegation Battle: One team from the capital has had a tough season so far. Shoot them to their season win total at the end of Matchday 31 to solve this riddle!

Solution: Score and win with a Hertha Berlin player in FIFA 23 match.

Top 5: At the end of Matchday 31, these 5 clubs were at the top of the table. Include two players from each of these clubs in your next 10 matches to solve this riddle!

Solution: Have 2 players in 10 games from Bayern Munich, Borussia Dortmund, Union Berlin, RB Leipzig, and Freiburg.

Iron Strength: This team has delighted football fans with their amazing performance this season! This memorable match was important because it ended their 5-game winless streak. Can you solve this riddle?

Solution: Score 2 and win the game.

It’s also worth noting that the solutions mentioned here for the Bundesliga Year in Review objective set in FIFA 23 are not guaranteed to work. These are based on similar results from this year’s league. Players are requested to wait for us to test it out, and this article will be updated in due time.

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