How does Exp. Share work in Pokemon Unite?

Posted by Jenniffer Sheldon on Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Pokemon Unite fans have quite a few Held Items to equip to their creature of choice, each with its own effects and benefits. One such example is the Exp. Share, which is particularly useful when equipped by Pokemon in the Support role. The item is capable of bestowing experience points to nearby teammates and offering experience over time for the holder.

Overall, the Exp. Share is an excellent way to ensure that a team continues to gain experience and level up in a Pokemon Unite Battle even when certain players can't farm wild Pokemon as needed. But how does it work exactly?

Considering Exp. Share is such a useful item in Pokemon Unite, it doesn't hurt for players to familiarize themselves as much as possible with it.

How the Exp. Share works in Pokemon Unite

When equipped in a Pokemon Unite battle, Exp. Share provides a passive gain of 3/4/5 experience points per second if its holder has the lowest experience total on its team. Additionally, when a nearby teammate defeats or "last hits" a wild Pokemon, they'll receive slightly more experience points for doing so, but the distribution of experience points is a bit tricky.

Put plainly, depending on the proximity of the Exp. Share holder and the teammate receiving the effect, defeating a wild Pokemon can provide experience points in different percentages. In most cases, if the Exp. Share holder and their teammate are both within range of the defeated target, the share holder will receive a 30% XP bonus, and the teammate will receive 100%, respectively.

A Pokemon Unite player with an active Exp. Share will be marked with a blue lightbulb (Image via The Pokemon Company)

If an Exp. Share holder or a teammate is out of attack range of a wild Pokemon, they'll receive a reduced amount of bonus experience based on which player defeated the wild creature. In most circumstances, players will want to make sure that the holder and their teammate are both within range of the wild Pokemon to maximize the experience distribution.

In addition to providing experience boosts, the Exp. Share user will benefit from equipping it by gaining an increase in their base HP and movement speed. As the Exp. Share is leveled up, the bonuses increase as well with the following increments:

Exp. Share LevelHP BoostMovement Speed Boost
Level 10+80+50
Level 20+160+100
Level 30+240+150

When the Exp. Share is equipped in Pokemon Unite, a blue lightbulb will appear above the holder's head to show that its effect is active, which is useful information for both the holder and any teammates who are nearby. Additionally, if two players use Exp. Share and are at the same level and have the least experience on the team, multiple Exp. Shares can activate and accrue passive experience points.

Supporters like Eldegoss work incredibly well with Exp. Share in Pokemon Unite (Image via The Pokemon Company)

As a final caveat, it's worth mentioning that Exp. Share does have its limits. Specifically, if a Pokemon is on the cusp of leveling up and evolving and has the item equipped, they won't be able to level up/evolve via the passive experience gain. However, if they defeat a wild Pokemon, the Exp. Share will be fully capable of initiating the level up and evolution as expected.

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