Blue Bloods Recap 03/10/23: Season 13 Episode 15 Close to Home

Posted by Artie Phelan on Monday, June 17, 2024

Blue Bloods Recap 03/10/23: Season 13 Episode 15 "Close to Home"

Tonight on CBS their hit drama starring Tom Selleck Blue Bloods airs an all-new Friday, March 10, 2023, episode and we have your Blue Bloods recap below. On tonight’s Blue Bloods Season 13 Episode 15 “Close to Home”,” as per the CBS synopsis, “Danny partners with Texas Ranger Waylon Gates (Lyle Lovett) again to deliver an infamous drug cartel boss to arraignment, but the mission becomes complicated when the criminal threatens to harm the Reagans.

Also, Erin is thrust into the spotlight when she takes on a highly contentious assault case involving a beloved basketball star; Eddie forms an unlikely alliance to solve a cold murder case; and Frank and Jamie clash when Frank denies a request for Jamie to go undercover.”

So make sure to bookmark this spot and come back from 10 PM – 11 PM ET! for our Blue Bloods recap. While you wait for our recap make sure to check out all our Blue Bloods recaps, news, spoilers & more, right here!

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Tonight’s Blue Bloods episode begins with Danny and Baez at the airport to pick up a guy who runs one of the biggest cartels in Mexico. His name is Rodriguez and Danny needs to get him to court. Texas Ranger Waylon Gates comes out of the plane as well.

Elsewhere an NBA athlete named Scott Taylor is holding a press conference regarding allegations of rape against him. HIs lawyer says that Erin Reagan’s charge is outrageous only because of her career ambitions. Anthony is worried about the press conference, Erin tells him she is not, the only thing she cares about is justice for Sheila Alexander, the woman who Scott Taylor raped.

Jamie wants to go undercover in a human trafficking case but Frank turns him down, he wants to hand it over to vice.

Eddie is in the station, a woman confront her and says that ten months ago she told her that her son was done and she lied to her, she said that they would find Jamal’s killer and today his death is officially a cold case, she lied. Eddie looks shaken.

Danny and Waylon are in the car, Rodriquez between them and says he is a business man and his associates have a vested interest in his survival. All of a sudden, they are being followed and Rodriguez says, “let the games begin.” But little did Rodriguez know, Danny and Waylon already thought about that, they stop under a bridge, switch vehicles and lookalike decoys get in the one that Rodriguez’s men were following.

Sid goes in to see Frank and says that vice has had there eyes on the trafficking ring for fifteen months, yet it is still active, they say they are hard at work on it. Frank is worried because two state troopers in the thick of this were murdered, tortured and buried alive.

Eddie inquiries about Jamal’s case, she finds out that after six months it was closed and she is surprised that so little effort was put into it.

Waylon tells Rodriguez that his compadres on the way from the airport have been apprehended, Rodriguez says there are plenty more, he is not worried. Then, he tries to bribe Waylon and Danny with ten million dollars each.

Erin has Sheila Alexander on the witness stand. She says she remembers Scott Taylor giving her jungle juice and then she felt overpowered. Then she says, she cannot recognize the perpetrator in court, she doesn’t know who raped her, she is recanting her story.

Danny and Waylon are watching TV when they hear something, someone is in their hotel room and shots are going off. They manage to grab Rodriquez and calls for back up.

Danny and Waylon are at the station, Rodriguez is tucked away at a safe house. Danny tells Waylon maybe one of his people are playing for the other team, maybe that is how they tracked them down.

Eddie inquires about detectives Franklyn and Ricci who were handling Jamal’s file.

Erin meets with Sheila and asks her what happened, Sheila says she is sorry, all her job offers were gone. Erin tells her that she could charge her for purgery. Sheila says that Lisa Reynolds, Scott Taylor’s agent, told her that if she identified him in court she would lose everything. And if she did nothing, Lisa would help her launch her career and change her life.

Danny is with Waylon, he wants to try to feed one of his guys, Martin, some bad intel, who he suspect might be working both sides.

Eddie does a little digging and finds out that Jamal was in a gang.

Danny and Waylon are back with Rodriguez, Waylon gets a call, Martin is dead, he wasn’t working both sides after all.

Erin and Anthony do a little digging and find out that Scott Taylor was previously accused of rape.

Sunday dinner has everyone sitting at the table while Sean finishes up dinner for everyone, he made chicken and penne a la vodka, a la Sean. Danny says it smells almost edible, then nominates Frank to try it first. Jamie says it looks clay like. He loves it.

Later, Jamie goes to see Frank and says he has something he needs to say, about the undercover operation. Frank says it was strictly a personnel decision, Jamie thinks Frank just wants to keep him out of the line of fire.

Danny receives an envelope, it is a photos of his family. He goes to see Frank and asks how he is supposed to bring Rodriguez to the court house if it puts their family in danger.

Erin confronts Scott with photos of three other women who accused him of sexual assault. Erin tells both he and Lisa that they are both going to go down for what they did.

Eddie keeps digging and finds out that Jamal wanted out, and Tristan Edmonds was furious. Eddie goes to see him and finds out that he was using his business for money laundering. He admits to killing his best friend, Jamal.

Erin holds a press conference and says she plans on charging Scott with three additional counts of rape. And Lisa with harassment and witness tampering.

Waylon and Danny have Rodriguez in handcuffs, Danny hands him an envelope of his children and says if something happened to his family, he would be so distraught, who knows what he would do. He tells him to call off his men and he will do the same. Waylon tells Danny that to remind him to never mess with him. Then he tells Danny that he earned a cowboy hat. Rodriquez makes the call.

Jame is in Frank’s office and he tells him that he is transferring the human trafficking ring to his team and he wants full debriefing, he will have questions. And, be careful.

